Dec 20 Arrival D.C.10pm
Dec 21 (Sat) Conservatory, American Indian Museum, Capitol Hill tour
rest in the jungle
all three branches of government - executive, legislature, supreme court - are all in the Capitol in the early days of US.
corn and tobacco are important crops in the history of this country
elk, fish, maize - main food.
tepees, kayak and canoe
Dec 22 (Sun) Museum of Natural History
Hope diamond
Human evolution
Dec 23 (Mon) Museum of Air and Sapce
Pratt &Whitney wasp engine
Jet Turbine engine
Wright Flyer
Dec 24 (Tue) National Gallery of Art
Rotunda, fountain, and plants
Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Henri Rousseau, Rembrandt, Italian landscape, Sybolism
Dec 25 Christmas - drive back to Apex, NC