Friday, October 27, 2017

If you see American Taliban, call them out.

Misogynists hate only those women who are powerful. Misogynists are fond of powerless women. In fact many of them are womanizers and even brag about their philanderer behavior.

Let's face it: Taliban's mistreatment of women started from their faith. They want to keep women powerless so they can easily control them. Christianity in the middle ages has similar sexist attitude. Enlightenment over the past 500 years changed that attitude toward equality. Unfortunately, if you read some of the American religious institution's faith statement, you realize not a small number of people still live in the middle age.

Since the founding of this country our forefathers are beacons of enlightenment. Our declaration of independence is a milestone and testimony of enlightenment thinking. All we need to do is to go back to our glorious tradition and embrace enlightenment once again.

If you see American Taliban, call them out.

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